The Blessed Curse of Power
In the Creation story, God empowers humankind to a shared vocation of care and service, which Adam rejects by separating himself from Eve in an act of othering and blame. Power over the “other” has divided humanity in conflict ever since. Jesus upends this dynamic with his disciples, granting them shared power to join in the collaborative work of his New Creation. How will we as a community embody that renewed call to mutuality and shared stewardship?
Scripture & Quotations
Genesis 2:15-21
Genesis 3:8-13
Mark 6:7-13
“What we have has been gifted to us to use as stewards of his glory on this earth. We are not to use that power to feed our egos, demand our rights from others, build our own little external kingdoms, and establish our reputations. It has been given to us so that the world might see something of the glory of God in the flesh—full of grace and truth. That glory is evidenced in humility, love, sacrifice, and death to anything that is not like Jesus Christ.”
- Dr. Diane Langberg, Suffering and the Heart of God: How Trauma Destroys and Christ Restores