Gathering Liturgy: Waiting is the Hardest Part

On this first Sunday of Advent, our inaugural journey through the liturgical calendar as a community, Pastor Mike invites us into this season of preparation and patient waiting, as we anticipate celebrating the remembrance of God’s incarnation in Jesus’ birth. How might this season disrupt and shape our time of celebration? May these weeks not be defined by spending and stress, but by an encounter with the true and living God, who joins us in fellowship to model a path of sacrificial love.

Scripture & Quotations

2 Kings 4: 1-7

Mark 13

A collection of self-sustaining and self-reliant people - people who are all pretending to be fine - is not the Kingdom of God. It’s a group of humans refusing to be human beings and pretending to be gods. Such a “church” is comprised of fearful people working hard to keep up appearances and unable to trust each other to the point of loving self-sacrifice. In such a “church” each member is expected to be self-sufficient and self-sustaining, thus making no demands upon others. Unfortunately, where there is no need and no vulnerability, there can be no love.” 

― Dr. Richard Beck, The Slavery of Death

Vessel Worship Playlist on Spotify

Follow using the button below. The playlist will continue to be updated with songs we sing together, so that you can take them with you through the week!


Christmas Eve: Here


Gathering Liturgy: Life in the Flock