Witness: A Glimpse of Totality
During the season of Eastertide, we will consider the particular encounters which Jesus initiates with his disciples following the Resurrection. Two followers walk the road away from Jerusalem in grief, and a stranger joins them on the road. In the midst of story, hospitality, and the breaking of bread, Jesus appears for a glorious and fleeting moment. We ask: how will we embody the resurrection life as a people always looking for the face of Jesus in that of the supposed stranger?
Scripture & Quotations
Luke 24:18-35
Psalm 42:1-5
This is our story. Jesus keeps doing this, becoming present with us even as we lament his absence. He keeps showing up, showing us things, walking beside us, making our hearts burn within us. We might not recognize him at the time. That often comes later.
Mark Buchanan - God Walk: Moving at the Speed of Your Soul
Consider practicing the rhythm of the lament psalm. Read Psalm 42 & 43, and then enter a time to be present with God.
Remember in gratitude
Honesty in naming your place of lament/need
Declare (even in the unresolved): You are God. I trust you.