What We Hear in Silence
During what can easily become the noisiest, most chaotic time of year, how might we embrace an intentional quiet to center our attention on the enchanted power of God’s Incarnation? Considering an often overlooked portion of the Christmas story, we witness how the gift of holy silence prepared the hearts of a faithful couple to receive the new thing that God was preparing.
Scripture & Quotations
Luke 1:5-25
Luke 1:57-80
“Sometimes when we speak before great things we shrink them down to size. When we speak of great things sometimes we swallow them whole, when instead we should be swallowed by them. Before all greatness be silent, in art, in music, and above all in faith.”
-Baron Von Hügel
The Angel Appearing to Zacharias - William Blake, 1799-1800, Metropolitan Museum of Art