Wings Above the Manger
For the Fourth Sunday of Advent, we look to the elusive text of Revelation and discover an unlikely vision of Christmas hope. In our time of intense conflict and anxiety, how might the presence of an unexpected visitor to the manger help us to receive anew the gift of Christ’s coming as a warning to the powerful and hope to the hopeless?
Scripture & Quotations
Revelation 12:1-17
Romans 16:20
Matthew 2:2-18
“It isn’t just that I don’t believe in God, and naturally I hope that my belief is right. I hope there is no God! I don’t want there to be a God. I don’t want the universe to be like that. My guess is that this cosmic authority problem is not rare.”
Thomas Nagle, noted philosopher and athiest
Kids’ Video
The following was the video shares in the breakout time for our kids, inviting them to consider along with you as parents the “dragon” metaphor as a symbol of the darkness that Jesus’ light arrives to cast out.
The Virgin of the Apocalypse, Miguel Cabrera ca. 1760 - Museo Nacional de Arte, Mexico City